Tales from my Abyss

Hello world! (aka First posts are always BS)

“A blog implies that you have lots of things to say, and too much free time”, is something I read the other day while surfing on the internet. If you’re a boring but overbooked person, blogging is definitely not for you…but, just to prove this theory half wrong (who said I was boring???), here I am!!! Now, big problem, everybody’s waiting to read a couple of annoying smart sentences (which I’m sure will be scrutinized and criticized in a few minutes ;-) )

You may perhaps wonder about my blog title. Well, in a few words, starting from this evening on, I’m unemployed (who said I’ll have too much free time???) and in a few weeks, I’m heading back to France. I recently read somewhere (yeah, I read a LOT) that reverse culture shock is more real and more depressing than regular culture shock. Keep reading, and I’ll tell you how much I agree or disagree with this.

September 25th, 2006 Posted by Christine | General Musings | no comments